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the real estate |
It doesn't experience the purchase and the sale of the real estate on the
land and at the building many times during the lifetime.
Also, for a lot of persons, it becomes most expensive dealings in the lifetime.
When buying a car and a TV, it compares a performance and a price.
As for limiting to the real estate, there is a person who boils in the
supplier entrusting and does, too.
There is a person who has bought not reviewing too much by seeing some
real estates only and reviewing, too.
I saw some such example.
Will you buy a sales person in the car and the TV, being compliant?
The real estate is size with the amount of money and is not the ratio of
the car and the TV.
Also, it is not the one to replace frequently.
To change after a bargain at the real estate is concluded, terrible labor
and money are taken.
There is not what is too careful with being precontractual.
It gathered the know-how which must be known beforehand in the minimum.
Pisces (February 21 to March 20)
The person is able for your reflection to be willingly gotten.
Will support a person around by your kind action and word.
Then, in to be useful, the chance comes to it, too.
The luck becomes good about spending, too, with the family.
Let's attempt to do the phone if not meeting for a while.
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